Monday, April 02, 2012

Final goodbye

Mom in coma dying in hospice in boynton Florida

Nurse told us to go away abd tell her we are leaving That might help her rekax abd slip over We told her we were leaving to go to Kentucky fried chicken When we returned she was still here. I guess she really loves chicken

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Ing bank con IG

Banco ing con academia Inglesgarantizado desde 2004. Ing nos da dinero para crecer a casi 27% cada 12 meses y IG ingles la academia exclusiva para ejecutivos ing banco espana

Profesor particular ingles Murcia desde 2004 numero 1con el ingles de la selectividad y núm. 1 con la entrevista en ingles para ir a las universidades se prestigia. Maristas alfonsox ceu jesus maria. Y mas

Mom in hospice

Im an english Teacher in Murcia Now in bottom Florida in hospice with my Mom .Bethesda memorial hospital. Day 6. And Mom continúes with life. Although she wrote in her will that she wanted ti die Murcia spain.